Simon Gutierrez

Software Engineer

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About Me

I graduated from Fullstack Academy’s Web Development Fellowship program (WDF), which was offered by New York’s Tech Talent Pipeline (TTP). Before joining Fullstack, I was in search of a career change. I yearned for work that would make me feel motivated on a day-to-day basis. After my first week at Fullstack, I immediately fell in love with coding and I haven't looked back ever since. Coding motivates me to work hard by presenting me with the opportunity to problem-solve. It also allows me to express my creativity through building new applications. On my time off, if you don’t find me coding, you can find me swinging a kettlebell in my backyard or doing yoga in the morning. Mind, body and soul all need balance and this is how I achieve that.

If you would like to learn more about my transferable skills, check out my showcase here!


Experienced in JavaScript, Node, Express, React, MySql, Google Cloud, Problem Solving, and Data Structures.


A web app that allows users to buy stock and visually represents how well each stock is doing in real time. Each user has access to a portfolio to their view stock progress and transactions for a full ledger of their stock history. This app was made using React, Redux, and Google Cloud.

NYC Budget Visual

The goal of this app is to make NYC's budget data readily available for organizations whose initiative is to make a difference for our black communities. This app takes data from NYC Open Data API and represents that information on a graph. This app was made with React, Redux and NYC's Open Data API. (NYC Coders Hackathon 2020)


For voracious readers, the internet can be a blessing and a curse. There are so many sites out there, with so much great content, so many links to click, and so many recommendations to follow. It's easy to end up with a seemingly endless collection of open browser tabs, yet have no time to read them all. This app was made with React, Redux, and Google Cloud. (Fullstack Academy Capstone)

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